Designates the main source of vital breath and the energy center of the body
Refers to the state of feeling good, of being well, in harmony
Céline in a few words...
I'm a sensitive, curious woman, passionate about life and human relationships. I'm also the mother of two teenagers, full of life and creativity.
During 20 years in International Sales Management positions at LVMH, I led an exciting, hectic and very intense life. Eager to learn, to experiment, to find answers to my stress, my tensions and to better manage my emotions, my research led me to a decisive encounter with the Ortho-Energy-Method® (OEM®), which I decided to learn from its creator, Dr Christian Roche.
Céline Benche
My background
Since my childhood, I have been captivated by the world of well-being and natural health. I have been searching for a better balance in my life, for solutions to health problems and to discover how I could access a life with more confidence, serenity and joy.
I explored many methods, therapies, courses, retreats... I was searching, experimenting, always looking for concrete solutions. I was moving forward step by step, but I could not find THE effective, quick and lasting solution I was looking for.
Thanks to my encounter with the OEM®, it's as if all the pieces of the jigsaw of everything I've learned, all the training I've taken, all the experiences I've had.... have finally found their rightful place.
I finally grasped the importance of the notion of inner balance, that solid foundation from which everything stems, from our deepest symptoms to our well-being, our vital energy and our harmony with ourselves and the world.
Creating the 4 steps of the Harawell® Method seemed to me an obvious way of finding or re-establishing inner balance, the foundation of the architecture of every being.
Harawell® was born with the mission of revealing everyone's full potential!

Harawell's mission is to accompany you through 4 pillars: self-connection, self-care, nutrition, movement and to give you the keys to a healthy, harmonious and more conscious life.
- Céline Benche
Harawell's values
Taking the time to listen to the deepest needs and desires, valuing the achievements and accompanying them step by step in order to allow each one to find his place, to progress and to reveal himself. Kindness which envelops, reassures, gives the strength and the courage to move forward...
My Cartesian mind is very sensitive to what is logical, absolute, pure and virtuous in the way of being and acting. Coherence in every thought, act, word... like a perfect agreement that links the whole.
Harmony is expressed in the relationship between the parts of the Being that give the whole its balance, its unity and its beauty. Quietness, listening to oneself, taking time for oneself... all contribute to finding a perfect state of harmony. This word has such a sweet sound.
Certainly reminiscences of "my former life", the elegance of a place, a creation, an attitude, always make me vibrate. With time, I have discovered that true elegance is delicately hidden in the elegance of the soul...
"Uniqueness transforms each being into a presence, which,
like a flower or a tree, never ceases to strive,
in time, towards the fullness of its brilliance which is
the very definition of beauty."
- Five meditations on beauty, François Cheng
My decisive encounter with the Ortho-Energy Method
Eager to learn, to experiment, to transform myself deeply but also to find concrete solutions, my research led me to a decisive encounter with the Ortho-Energy-Method® (OEM) in which I was trained by its creator, Dr Christian Roche. At that moment, it was as if all the pieces of the puzzle of everything I had learned, all the training I had followed, all the experiences I had had.... finally found their right place.
OEM® considers the human being in an integrative way on the structural, functional, biological, psychic and existential levels. A true living and structured architecture.